lundi 12 mai 2014



    The antibiotic is a chemical or natural substance, then developed by microorganisms that have the power to oppose the growth of microbial bacteria ( bacteriostatic ) or destroy ( bactericidal effect).

*The use of antibiotics:

The choice of antibiotic

    The choice of antibiotics is following rules :

Knowing the infectious agent : for antibiotic susceptibility testing .

Knowing the half-life and duration of action of the antibiotic.
Consider the field of patient age, allergies, history ...
Combinations of antibiotics

    The prescription can associate multiple antibiotics , the goals are :

Synergy enhance the effect of the action.

Avoid the resistance of germs.
Fight against microbial infection.
    The antibiotic combination obeys rules :

Do not combine drugs with antagonistic effects .

Do not combine drugs of the same family .
Do not combine medications same mode of action.
Do not combine drug toxicity as well .

Types of Antibiotics:


*Beta lactam:

-the penicillins:

Indications: varied. Bactericidal by blocking the synthesis of the bacterial wall .

Cons -indications : Known allergy.
Side Effects:
Allergic reaction: hives , rash , angioedema , anaphylactic shock .
Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal candidiasis .
Rare: neutropenia, hemolytic anemia , thrombocytopenia, hepatic dysfunction
-the cephalosporins:


ENT infections , respiratory, genitourinary , musculoskeletal , skin .
Serious infections.
Antibiotic .
Cons -indications : Known allergy.
Side Effects:
Allergic reaction: hives , rash , angioedema , anaphylactic shock .
Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal candidiasis .
Rare: neutropenia, hemolytic anemia , thrombocytopenia, hepatic dysfunction
-the Carboxypénicillines:

Indications : Effective against the pyocaniques .

Cons -indications : Known allergy.
Side Effects:
Allergic reaction: hives , rash , angioedema , anaphylactic shock .
Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal candidiasis .
Electrolyte disorders : risk hypokalemia, significant sodium intake : hypernatremia .
Rare: neutropenia, hemolytic anemia , thrombocytopenia, hepatic dysfunction
-other beta-lactams:

Indications: infections resistant to other beta-lactams.

Cons -indications : Known allergy.
Side Effects:
Allergic reaction: hives , rash , angioedema , anaphylactic shock .
Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal candidiasis .
Rare: neutropenia, hemolytic anemia , thrombocytopenia, hepatic dysfunction

*the aminoglycosides:

Indications: associated with beta-lactams in endocardial infections , respiratory, genitourinary , renal, musculoskeletal , skin , septicemia .

Cons -indications : Known allergy gravis.
Side Effects:
Ototoxicity: the auditory nerve toxicity : promoted by high doses , kidney failure, hypovolemia , diuretics.
Renal toxicity.
Rare: allergic reactions.

*the macrolides:

Indications: ENT and pulmonary infections. Alternative to penicillin .

Cons -indications : Known allergy.
Side Effects:
Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains , abdominal pain.
Intravenous erythromycin , cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac conduction, venous irritation.
Rare: allergic reactions.

*the tetracyclines:


Infectious diseases transmitted by animals.
Skin conditions : acne, rosacea.
Antibiotic .
Cons -indications : Known allergy, liver and / or kidney disease, exposure to sunlight or UV .
Side Effects:
Lyploplasie of tooth enamel : yellow teeth.
Photosensitivity skin .
Gastrointestinal disorders: ulceration , gastric , diarrhea, nausea , vomiting, gastrointestinal candidiasis .
Rare: leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia , allergic reactions.

*the fluoroquinolones:

Indications: severe infections ( broad spectrum).

Cons -indications : Known allergy.
Side Effects:
Joint and muscle pain .
Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain .
Rare : allergic reactions , headache, kidney - liver -haematological toxicity.

*the glycopeptides:


Severe staphylococcal infections and enterococci resistant to other antibiotics.
Pseudo- membranous colitis Clostridium difficile .
Endocarditis prophylaxis if penicillin allergy .
Cons -indications : Known allergy.
Side Effects:
Auditory toxicity .
Rare: allergic reactions.

*Nitro - Imidazoles:

Indications: anaerobic infections .

Cons -indications : Known allergy.
Side Effects:
Digestive disorders metallic taste in the mouth , diarrhea, nausea , vomiting, abdominal pain.

*the sulfonamides:

Indications: urinary and genital , toxoplasmosis infections.

Cons -indications : Known allergy.
Side Effects:
Allergic reactions: urticaria , rash , angioedema , bronchospasm .
Gastrointestinal disorders: anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
Hematologic : anemia , neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

Definition: Bactericide

A bactericidal substance is a substance having the ability to kill bacteria. The bactericidal properties vary from substance to substance, in terms of spectra of action, efficacy, duration of action ... A bactericide is a type of antimicrobial. Also known as bactericidal disinfectant used on inanimate objects, antibiotics such as penicillin and tetracycline for synthetic substances that act on key enzymes in cell biology. They can also act by oxidation (eg glucose oxidase). This is to distinguish the bactericidal (killing) of "bacteriostatic" (those just prevent bacterial growth), and sterilizing agents (not necessarily chemical).

Definition: Bacteriostatic

An antibiotic is bacteriostatic , it moderate bacterial growth by interfering with: 

-The bacterial protein synthesis.
-Producing bacterial DNA.
-Bacterial cell metabolism. 

Bacteriostatic antibiotics inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, but do not kill them, while bactericidal antibiotics kill bacteria. 

Bacteriostatic agents work with the immune system to oust microorganisms from the body.